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Springfield, Virginia
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Prayer Ministry

Active Prayer Chain

We have a very active prayer chain. You may call 703-222-2081 to place a prayer request on the chain.

  1. If prayer request is for person other than yourself, please get consent before placing on prayer chain.
  2. Only the information provided will be used. Information will be used exactly as it is given to coordinator of prayer chain.
  3. None of the information provided will be made public in any way.

We also have an e-mail prayer chain. An E-mail Prayer Chain begins when the prayer request is sent to the e-mail: barbteats@hotmail.com

What's the Good of Prayer?

We look upon prayer as a means of getting things for ourselves;
the Bible's idea of prayer is that we may get to know God.
It is not so true that "prayer changes things" as
that prayer changes me and I change things.

Oswald Chambers
My Utmost for His Highest

5312 Backlick Road, Springfield, VA 22151 tel 703-256-6655